Kongofoni at the Heart of International Translation Day Celebrations

On October 5, 2024, the Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters of Congo (ATIPCO), in partnership with the School of Translation and Interpretation at the National Pedagogical University, commemorated International Translation Day. This significant event featured an inspiring address by Mvwala Katshinga, Lecturer-Researcher and President of ATIPCO, who introduced and explored the concept of Kongofoni.

Kongofoni: A Vision of Linguistic Empowerment

In his speech, Mvwala Katshinga presented Kongofoni as a pivotal ideology aimed at honoring and revitalizing African languages and cultures. “Kongofoni is a philosophy, a way of thinking and acting that reconnects us with our linguistic heritage,” he explained. This term, derived from the Niger-Congo language family, encapsulates the richness and vast linguistic diversity of the African continent.

Translation and Intercultural Dialogue

Mr. Katshinga emphasized that celebrating World Translation Day upholds linguistic rights. “Translation is a vital art that sustains dialogue between people and fosters intercultural understanding,” he said. In this light, Kongofoni serves as a powerful tool for safeguarding African languages and cultures from the threat of linguistic imperialism.

A Call to Action

He also called for collective action to revitalize endangered African languages. “We must come together to combat linguicide and promote our languages across all areas of society,” he urged, encouraging attendees to adopt Kongofoni as a catalyst for preserving their linguistic heritage.

A Visionary Conclusion

In closing, Mvwala Katshinga affirmed that translation is essential for Africa’s sustainable development and social cohesion. “Africa must find its voice, and Kongofoni is the means to ensure that voice is understood across our cultural diversity,” he concluded, inspiring participants to commit themselves to the valorization of their languages.

This celebration underscored Kongofoni's importance, motivating all present to take concrete steps toward protecting and advancing the art of translation across Africa.

Saturday 26-October-2024 12:59 | Since 2 month 23 days
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