Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions of use and membership
Who can register or join ATIPCO?
As per article eight (8) of our statutes, candidates may be persons who, without limitation, practice the language profession (translator, interpreter, linguistics, bilingual journalist) in full compliance with the Code of Professional Ethics or any other Rules of the Association and the other rules of the profession, and this, for at least one hundred and fifty days of practice.
Membership is through sponsorship by a full member. The application file includes, among other things, the application form, the letter of recommendation from the godfather or godmother, the documents proving the nationality, the school or academic qualification, and the membership fees.
The Association keeps a list of registered pre-candidates who have not yet practiced during the one hundred and fifty days referred to in the previous item. The regulations relating to Admissions to linguistic classification set out the registration procedures.
All members pledge to pay off the dues provided for within the time limits, including, where applicable, the compulsory national/regional dues.
Regarding loss of Membership, suspension, or expulsion, articles 9, 10, and 11 of the statutes deal with such issues
Membership for ATIPCO requires fees which are set by the statutes and internal regulations.
Just as Membership is secured in all freedom, so resignation is. Any member wishing to withdraw from the Association informs the Secretariat in writing, which acknowledges receipt. Thus, he/she loses his/her Membership.